Insurance Runaround

Ok so after I was done with my last post I realized I had one other thing that came to me in the last week.

Another letter from my insurance company in response to my last letter to them.

Thank you for your response to our letter and request for further information about your plans to serve as a surrogate mother.

The information was requested to determine if you are being reimbursed or compensated for the medical expenses of your pregnancy. Our review of that information has been completed. At this time we are unable to respond without further information. Please provide a complete copy of the surrogacy agreement you plan to enter into, even if unsigned or a copy of the executed surrogacy agreement.”

And then of course it gives me all of their contact info.

Before going on vacation I did do some digging of my own and went to my HR at my employer and asked them about the coverage and she had a response from the insurance company within 10 minutes regarding coverage. They said they do not cover surrogacy. Now how hard is that for them to actually send a letter or call me to tell me. Instead they are trying to beat around the bush it seems or just give me the runaround until the time actually comes and they still just say no.

What is the difference between whether they have this information or not if they are still going to deny me?

I swear insurance companies just like to drag you along for as long as they can so you just give in and pay top dollar when really you don’t have to if you would have just stuck it out and kept on them.

End rant!

Let me know your thoughts